Man with shiny black hair wearing a blue tshirt

Beat Greasy Hair: 3 Ways to Spot & Fix it Now!


There’s nothing fun about greasy hair, boys. The right amount can make you look and feel like a total GQ model, but a smidge more and your hair looks like it took a nosedive into a vat of cooking oil. It is the ultimate buzzkill. This guide is here to crack the code on greasy hair, leaving you with locks worthy of a high-five from Chris Hemsworth. 


What Does Greasy Hair Look Like?

So, how do you know if your hair has joined the greasy ranks? Here’s a quick rundown of the telltale signs:

The Flatline: Healthy hair has some natural bounce, like a well-inflated basketball. But greasy hair? Picture a deflated beach ball. It just lays there, limp and lifeless at the roots.

The Clump-a-licious Effect: Forget that silky-smooth mane you crave. Oily hair often feels stringy and clumpy, like a sad attempt at hair gel sculpting gone horribly wrong.

Shine On (…A Little Too Much): This one’s a giveaway. If your scalp looks like a freshly-polished disco ball, and your hair appears perpetually wet, even after a shower, you’re probably dealing with excess oil.


Why does my hair get greasy so fast? 

A million dollar question with some pocket friendly solutions. Now that you’ve identified oily hair, let’s delve into why your hair might be acting like a malfunctioning oil refinery.

Overactive Sebum Production: Our scalps have these tiny oil glands called sebaceous glands (say that five times fast!). Their job is to keep our hair nice and healthy by producing sebum, a natural oil. But sometimes, these glands get a little overzealous and go into overdrive, producing way more oil than your hair needs.

The Washout Woe: Believe it or not, washing your hair too often can actually make it greasier. Here’s the science: When you strip your scalp of its natural oils with frequent washing, it sends your sebaceous glands into a panic, causing them to produce even more oil to compensate. It’s a vicious cycle, my friend.

Product Buildup: Those fancy styling products you use to tame your mane can be double-edged swords. Heavy styling products or conditioners applied directly to the scalp can create a greasy layer that weighs hair down and attracts more oil.

External Elements: Stress (I mean who isn’t these days?), heat styling, humidity that feels like a sauna walk-in, and even your diet can all contribute to oily hair. Spicy food that makes sweat trickle down your head, anyone?


Strategies for balanced hair

You need oil but not too much. Let’s get down to business and talk about solutions! Believe me, these tactics will keep your hair looking fresh and fabulous. 

Wash Smart, Not Often: Find the sweet spot for your hair washing frequency. Everyone’s different, but aiming for every other day, or even every day if absolutely necessary, is a good starting point. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove product buildup and give your scalp a clean slate. Here’s our best pick, OUAI (pronounced as way, supposed to be French).


Key Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar, Chelating Agents

Pro: A sulphate-free formulation that restores shine and boosts volume while clarifying with ease to fit a busy life.

Con: apple cider vinegar scent may not suit everyone

Click here if you want to try it out.

Shampoo Savvy: Ditch the generic drugstore stuff and invest in a shampoo specifically formulated for oily hair. Look for ingredients like tea tree oil, peppermint, or citrus, which can help regulate oil production. Think of them as your sebaceous gland soothers. 


Key Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar, Eucalyptus Oil, Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein

Pro: Great for sensitive scalp and Sulfate-Free, Paraben-Free, and Natural. Plus they donate 5% of profit to save the rainforest

Con: Low Lather and apple cider vinegar scent may not suit everyone

Conditioning Cautiously: Conditioner is still vital for healthy hair, even if it’s oily. Just be strategic about where you apply it. Focus on the mid-lengths and ends, avoiding the scalp area where most of the oil production happens. However, if following this technique is too much work for you and if your hair ends four inches above your head then you can try our best pick for a scalp conditioner (Yes, this exists.) 

Key Ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Panthenol, Betaine

Pros: Suitable for all hair types and formulated without SLS/SLES protects and restores hair shine

Con: A few users felt it dried their hair out

Click here if you’re interested.

Dry Shampoo: Dry shampoo is a lifesaver for those greasy hair emergencies. It absorbs excess oil and adds volume at the roots, making you look like you just stepped out of the barber shop (even if you haven’t).


Key Ingredients: Oryza Sativa (Rice) Starch

Pro: A silicone-free, no white residue 

Con: Scented and may not suit everyone

Click here if you want to purchase.


Lifestyle Tweaks

Minimise stress (easier said than done, we know) but consider a balanced diet to help regulate oil production. Think fruits, veggies, and whole grains – your hair (and your body) will thank you.

Every guy’s hair is different, so finding what works for you might take some trial and error. If you find yourself looking into the mirror asking ‘Why does my hair get greasy so fast?’ The answer is probably lying on your sink.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different products and techniques until you discover the perfect greasy-hair-fighting routine. Embrace the experimentation until you find the one made just for you.


You Got This, Dude. 

Dealing with greasy hair can be frustrating, but with a little knowledge and the right approach, you can achieve that perfectly balanced, healthy mane. Remember, you’re not alone in this. Millions of guys face the greasy hair struggle. But with the tips in this guide, you can say goodbye to the oil slick and hello to hair that’s as confident and awesome as you are. Now go forth and conquer the world, one perfectly styled hairdo at a time!

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